Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Excuse me; do these comps make my ass look big?

My first comprehensive exam is in one week. And I've been prepping lots.

It's kind of like the intense zone that I get into when I writing something that I think is smart (and may or may not realize later wasn't as smart as I thought it was). I get in the zone, and I can sit and work for hours as all the neurotransmitters fire like I just took speed or something. I sit and write and munch incessantly. Comps prep is like that, but for way longer than my typical two-day writing bursts.

I pulled out the Wii Fit two days ago, and it reminded me that it had been two weeks since I'd visited. Yes, thank you for chastising me, you stupid animated balance board. Then it told me that I'd gained five pounds.

Yay for comps.


Amanda said...

Yes, yes comps do make your ass look differently. And, well, they make all our asses look that way. After my take home, I wanted to do leg kicks and squats and all kinds of crazy things to prove to myself I could make my body work in addition to my mind. And, my dear, our minds were in overdrive.

Neese said...

I'm glad it wasn't just my ass ;) I want to blow off thinking for awhile and just live in the physical . . . I OD-ed on thinking during my comps.