Thursday, October 15, 2009

Immense Contentment

Yes, several of you have reminded me that I've been MIA. I blame all the comps miserableness. But you all will be happy to know that I have completed my evil written exams. Thank freakin' Demeter.

Being done with my written exams is freeing me to do more important things. Like have drink with friends. Like text message until midnight. Like hang with my awesome dudes.

Speaking of hanging with an awesome dude, it's what I'm doing right now. Noah and I just finished playing pool, and we both sucked equally. I couldn't remember most of the rules so we made things up as we went along. Now he's playing his favorite video game--The Fast and the Furious--as I sit here and watch him play. Awesomeness.

It's the simple things like playing a game of pool or watching Noah dance to the music coming from the Dance, Dance Revolution game or breathing in the smell of a campfire that make me feel this immensity of contentment lately, make me feel thankful.

That's all.

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