I read this article and, well, I'm really intrigued. I've made a choice to take the most natural approaches to the boys' autism and Asperger's treatments. I've focused on vitamins and diet, giving Nick some pharmaceuticals (like Diflucan), but treading cautiously because I don't want to over-task his liver.
I made this determination because once upon a time, I gave a magic pill to Noah. His doctor said it would help curb his ADHD, make him focus and behave better at school. Strattera as savior.
By the third day on that drug, my child turned into someone, something else. I had to go pick him up from his after-school program because he'd flipped out--screaming, hitting, throwing furniture. I got there and looked at this visage that seemed so . . . abused. He looked like he'd been in a torture camp, his brown eyes glossed with anger and encircled by reddened, puffy skin. I looked into those eyes and thought, "I did this to my child."
So no more pharmaceuticals for my boys. And, no, don't worry, I'm not rushing out to get them bongs, but I do wonder if marijuana could be a better treatment for the pain and anxiety people with ASDs face.
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