Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"That sounds far-fetched"

That's what I was told when by district transportation today when they finally called me back about my report that my child had been assaulted by seven children on the bus this afternoon.

"That sounds far-fetched."

You've *got* to be freakin' kidding me.

He made this judgment before talking to the bus driver, before interviewing a single passenger, before reviewing the video tape.

I guess that in the Amphitheater School District in Tucson, Arizona, the idea of actually investigating a group of neurotypical children attacking a child with autism on the bus is far-fetched.

I guess that believing the wounds on my child came from his bus ride home would be far-fetched.

I guess that thinking the transportation department that once dropped off my severely autistic, non-verbal son AT THE WRONG LOCATION would care at all about the children with disabilities that they transport would be far-fetched.

But if you have a child with a disability and you live in the Amphi District, I don't think it would be far-fetched at all to move. Right now.


Rochelle Gregory said...

OMG! I am so sorry for what happened to your son and your experiences. This is absolutely terrible. I hope the district reviews the tapes, apologizes, and reprimands the students. This is just so terrible and terrifying.

Anonymous said...

Oh Denise. Keep me updated. They have cameras to protect our kids; let's hope the use this power to have an important conversation across the entire district. Poor Noah.

Neese said...

It turns out that, unfortunately, that there wasn't a camera on that particular bus because it was the substitute bus. So there is to video evidence . . . some of the kids claimed they were "just trying to help Noah get his seat belt on." Yeah, I just don't buy that he'd get that beat up from that.

B-Rich said...

Sweet, Noah. I am so sorry Denise. As the child of a school administrator whose father worked at many school districts, this sounds completely insane. I've never heard of any transportation department being so careless as Amphi has been.

Denise Burgess said...

Thank you all so much for your concern for Noah. A disability advocacy group that has more power than we do alone is helping us now . . . and so hopefully change can happen. I don't plan to have my kids in this school district for much longer, but I want to do something to protect the children who will come after them.